A big THANKS to our Board Members, Dr. Lynn Goodloe, Benita Council, and Ann Shough and everyone who attended the NAMI Urban Los Angeles "Ask The Board " community event last week Monday, June 19, 2017. Our Board Members openly shared their experience, strength, and hope in having a family member with a mental illness, and how NAMI and its Family-to-Family Education Class helped them find support and understanding. At the end, the attendees were able to ask questions, make comments, and take home resources. Of course the night wouldn't have been complete without taking a couple pictures... enjoy!

NAMI Urban LA's Board Members Dr. Lynn Goodloe, Ann Shough, and Benita Council.

NAMI Urban LA's Board Members Dr. Lynn Goodloe, Benita Council, Ann Shough with Harold Turner, Director of Programs.

NAMI Urban LA's Board Members Dr. Lynn Goodloe, Benita Council, and Ann Shough with fellow NAMI members and Tiffany Duvernay, NAMI Urban LA's Peer Program Outreach Coordinator.

NAMI Urban LA's Board Members Benita Council, Dr. Lynn Goodloe, and Ann Shough and some of the attendees & staff posing for a group picture. Thanks again to everyone who came out and made this event a success!