• LPS Conservatorship Mentoring Meetings

    NAMI Urban Los Angeles along with the Department of Mental Health (DMH) work together to offer zoom classes for those seeking to learn about the laws and processes regarding LPS Conservatorship for their loved ones, the new CARE ACT and Pilot project for Homeless people. LPS Conservatorship is the term for California's involuntary mental health treatment. Our class Saturday is designed to walk you through the process beginning with placing your loved one in the hospital, acquiring financial resources and insurance, building a case for treatment, the legal court process and recovery expectations. The class Sunday is specifically designed to provide guidance and information for families who have a loved one under the LPS Conservatorship or the treating doctor has initiated the LPS Conservatorship.

    You can sign up for our next class or join our waiting list below.

    Topics Covered:

    • LPS Conservatorship laws and processes starting with: placing a loved one in the hospital, building a case for treatment, CA legal court processes and recovery expectations.
    • How to acquire financial resources such as SSI/SSDI or insurance such as MediCal/Medicare.
    • Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT), new CARE ACT and Pilot project for Homeless people.

    Virtual NAMI LPS Conservatorship Meeting for Families with Conservatorship Sunday, February 25th, 2024

    Topics Covered:

    • LPS Conservatorship laws and renewal of the Conservatorship.
    • Rights of the Conservator & Conservatee and powers granted to the Conservator.
    • What to do if your loved one begins to de-compensate under the Conservatorship.
    • Additional solutions in supporting your loved one with mental health recovery.
  • Upcoming LPS Conservatorship Meetings

    If you are trying to acquire the LPS Conservatorship, please register for our Saturday class. If you have already acquired the LPS Conservatorship, please register for our Sunday class. If you have any questions, feel free to call (323) 294-7814.

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    LPS Conservatorship Mentoring Meeting


    James Kwon

    Deputy Deputy Director Office of Public Guardian for Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH)

    Linda Boyd

    Supervisor for Assisted Outpatient Program and CARE Court Program for LACDMH

    Gail Evanguelidi

    Director of NAMI Urban LA LPS Conservatorship

    Jim Farell

    Director of Orange County Conservator Assistance Group

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    LPS Conservatorship Meeting for Families with Conservatorship


    Shalyn Saxton

    Principal Deputy Public Guardian for Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH)

    Jim Farell

    Director of Orange County Conservator Assistance Group

    Gail Evanguelidi

    Director of NAMI Urban LA LPS Conservatorship

  • LPS Coservatorship Resources

  • LPS Interest Form

    Are you interested in California’s involuntary mental health treatment and information on the new CARE ACT?